Rimini | Ariminum | Italy

Gallic and Etruscan history; one of Roman Italy's major ports on the Adriatic sea; with a well-preserved arch monument and bridge; connected to the Via Aemilia and the Via Flaminia

Pleiades Gazetteer: 393379


plan of Rimini

SPQR Arch for Augustus


bridge of Augustus and Tiberius


House of the Surgeon

Rimini Archaeological Museum | Museo della Città

City museum with several galleries devoted to antiquity


terracotta sculpture of a Gaul (ethnic stereotype), from Riccione near Rimini

terracotta sculpture of a satyr and maenad, from Riccione near Rimini

model of Rimini

model of the SPQR Arch for Augustus

Casts of the sculpted medallions on the SPQR Arch for Augustus

model of the gate

model of the bridge

model of the theater

mosaic and opus sectile (cut marble) floor from the Domus dell'Ex Vescovado

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